Sponsor my work using an IBAN bank transfer

If you have a European bank account, then IBAN is a good option to transfer money to me.

Account details

My IBAN is CH92 0077 0016 0444 2057 7.

Before completing the transaction make sure you are sending money to Jonas Bernoulli and that you use CHF (Swiss franks) as the currency.

You probably won’t need this information, but in case your bank asks for it: SWIFT is BKBBCHBB, BIC is BKBBCHBBXXX, the bank’s name is Basler Kantonalbank, and the clearing-number is 770.

I can no longer accept payments to an EUR bank account. I used Wise for that before, but their accounts are inherently unsafe. I apologize to everyone I previously convinced to use this method and kindly ask you to use another payment method going forward. Thanks!

Please support my work on Magit

Many users are quite excited about Magit in its current form, and I am thankful for all the positive feedback.

But I believe that, with your help, I can make it even better. Please consider supporting my continuous work on maintaining, improving and documenting Magit, and helping its users.

Thank you! — Jonas Bernoulli